Saturday, August 7, 2010

x + y = God's will

sooooo surprise, surprise, anyone that knows me would think i am comPLETEly crazy by starting a blog with an equation...but i find it very interesting that God could show me through one of my weaknesses (can you say numbers??...math...analytical thinking??) a little bit of a lightbulb insight into what He has for us...this morning, in particular, the logic of God and His Will struck me over the head in the form of an EQUATION, for heaven's sake, as i was talking to a dear friend at breakfast...

the question is posed: "if we feel that God has directed us in one direction, is it "wrong" to go another direction??" reply is this: if we genuinely are asking God for direction and there is another path that we can take, is it wrong to take the other path? personally i don't think it can really be "wrong"... our template, our measuring stick, our guide, is always and ultimately, as a Christian, a follower of Christ, how am i representing Him? God does guide us, but He allows us to make our own decisions, this is our free will... and if we are seeking God's will, our free will is in alignment with God...

now for the equation...the equation x + y = God's will, is made up of 2 variables...these are question marks and can be filled in accordingly...but those of us who know Jesus are already one of the variables, He is the example, the "x-factor"... the other variable is our free will, this is the "y-factor" and it stands for you... it's what we DO with our Jesus variable, the action, the verb...put them together and we have God's will for us...

Colossians 1:9-12 (The Message)

9-12Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.

His word is so beautifully expressed:) but all of us struggle within ourselves asking for a clear, audible voice or vision, we just need to remember our variables...He is our example...follow Him...and do the math;)

X (Jesus IN you) + Y (you/your actions) = God's will

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

butterflies diffusing bombs...

i find it interesting recently all the changes that have occurred...

#1. our 15 year old deaf/blind/arthritic but fairly pain-free dog, mr. ed was put to sleep R.I.P.

#2. the 12 year old autistic young man i've been working with for the past 7 months may end up with another never know, but i had to say good-bye to him for the summer and initiate another interventionist for his program and care.

#3. i received a phone call today from my supervisor at 24 hour fitness (whom i've never met) who very nicely (seriously, no sarcasm intended here...) informed me that next monday will be my last step class at the westminster gym, they're changing the format...i have been teaching this class for over 2 years...

in each of these situations i have found that you could be a stinker and make life miserable for the people around you OR you could be silent, gentle or kind with your words and attitude... i might highlight the concept of attitude... it speaks VOLUMES... whoever coined the phrase " actions speak louder than words?" must have been very aware of "eye-rollage";)...the most subtle negative gesture can shout at another individual and negate any semblance of positive impact on the words that may be uttered from your lips...

this past sunday listening to pastor bill's message was regarding how we use our words, how we share with the world around us... are we using our words as a positive currency to negotiate through our daily environment? or would the people that surround us, that we touch, would they ask for their money back?...

proverbs 15:1 says "a gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger"... the gentle answers, the appropriate words we can use? they are just like butterflies...lightly flitting through our lives, their beauty is subtly noticed and makes an impression... harsh words and inappropriate actions are just like bombs or land mines that can destroy a spirit in an instant... i find it intriguing that when you think about someone diffusing a bomb, one of the most important aspects is a gentle, confident touch... just like a butterfly... so this is where i come to my title wrap up... let our words, our actions, our most minute connection with another, be as a butterfly, and allow THAT to be greatest percentage of our testimony...
let the butterflies diffuse the bombs:)