Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i've got the joy, joy, joy, joy...:)

welllll, i have discovered the beauty of maintaining my "joy" as opposed to thinking that fleeting happiness IS my joy... i greatly appreciate the peace of mind that living a life that is being straight with God and laying it all out to Him is rather freeing... this, of course, is a daily maintenance plan, and i must admit some days are much more successful than others as a carry on my conversations with God... but for the most part? even days like today, where you feel kind of sad or things didn't exactly go the way you wanted them to at work (we love extenuating circumstances, don't we??) or maybe you just feel like there's a lot on your brain, but then there's "joy"... plain and simple... "joy"... my joy is not contingent on things, people, places, circumstances, my joy is in the Lord and i'm very grateful that He is always with me and opens my eyes to Him when i need a reminder that HE is my joy... the end:)