While all the hullabaloo is going on, there are ample opportunities to enjoy quiet moments and observations of the children in our lives. These children have an innate trust of those who care for them, they expect to be taken care of, until proven otherwise. A small example of this is our granddaughter, Eiley (roll your eyes all you want, but oh yes, this is going somewhere...). Eiley is 17 months old and we have been blessed enough to establish some little traditions since we have been able to see her on a regular basis. One of these habits is to sit on her "GaPaw's" lap and watch a show on YouTube called "GiggleBellies". She cuddles up on him, puts her finger in her mouth and listens with rapt attention. There is one line in a lullaby called "Fly Away with Me" that says, "gives the sun a kiss" and Grandpa kisses her head each time this line is sung. Now I think this is sweet of course, but I didn't realize until I was babysitting Eiley last night and trying to occupy a little girl who hadn't had a nap, how she simply knows that kiss will be there. Eiley was sitting straight up on my lap, big as you please, trying very hard not to relax so she wouldn't fall asleep, and I put on "Gigglebellies". Finger in mouth, she listened as I played the lullaby for her and when it was time for, "gives the sun a kiss", Eiley leaned over to me, (no eye contact whatsoever) expecting that I would kiss her. I played the song a couple more times with her in the same position and sure enough she was absolutely certain of that kiss. Implicit certainty and trust that she is loved unconditionally seems to emanate from this small action from a little girl and her grandparents.
So my question this season to any and all that might want to be a bit introspective? How are you like a child when trusting in God's complete and unconditional love? Do you lean in to Him and know with complete certainty that He is there even when you're tired, overwhelmed, too stubborn to ask for help, or too happy to stop and thank the one that cares for you more than you can possibly comprehend?
May you see Christmas through a child's eyes this year. May you see Jesus Christ as the most beautiful gift you will ever receive and freely share that gift with others. May you know in your heart the certain and confident love of a Heavenly Father that allows you to lean into him and know that He was, is and always will be there... just for you.
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12 NIV)
I love this, Mama! I can't wait to see it in person in 3 days, either.